Messages from Health Centre
Health Manager
Cynthia Porter
ext. 226
Email: healthmanager@nawash.ca
Home and Community Care Nurse Supervisor
Connie (CeCe) Clayton RN, ext. 230
Email: hccnursesupervisor@nawash.ca
Home and Community Care Nurse
Stacey Wesley RPN, ext. 2233
Email: hccnurse@nawash.ca
Community Health Nurse
SpringDawn Cook-Akiwenzie, RPN, ext. 235
Email: Springdawnchn@nawash.ca
Youth Mental Health Worker
Marleen Vogl, ext. 222
Email: marleenvogl@gbtel.ca
Medical Transportation
Tel: 519-534-2165
After hours: 519-375-0288
Harm Reduction and Outreach Worker
Harmony Johnston, ext. 225
Email: Harmreduction@nawash.ca
Community Health Representative
Laura Vogl
Email: chr@nawash.ca
National Native Drug and Alcohol Program
Chippewas of Nawash Health Center
247 Lakeshore Blvd.
Neyaashiinigmiing, ON
N0H 2T0
Ontario Telemedicine Network (OTN)
OTN is a two-way videoconferencing system that provides patients with access to care at all hospitals and hundreds of participating health care locations across the province. Using this convenient technology we can save you the time and cost of travelling long distances for appointments with your Health Care Provider (HCP). OTN appointments with your HCP also reduce your risk of exposure to the COVID-19 virus.
The Health Care Centre boardroom is equipped for OTN videoconferencing. Contact the Health Centre to make your appointment.
Questions about OTN, or other health issues? Call Springdawn Keeshig, Community Health Nurse.
Office: 519-534-0373, ext. 235
Cell: 519-378-6028
Our Services to the Community
The Nawash Health Centre promotes healthy lifestyles that strive to reflect the spirit of Neyaashiinigmiing. The services of the Health Centre are available to all Chippewas of Nawash residents and band membership. At the Centre we deliver programs that promote health and prevent disease. In partnership with other community programs, we offer regular workshops and activities that are geared towards healthy living and a greater sense of well being for all of our clients.
We offer a prenatal nutrition program, a monthly physician's clinic, foot care services and medical transportation. The chronic disease prevention program is aimed towards the prevention of diabetes, heart disease and cancer. The communicable disease program helps control the spread of vaccine preventable diseases. The environmental awareness program involves water sampling and testing for West Nile Virus. The Chippewas of Nawash Health Centre is part of the Emergency Response team that is capable of dealing with emergencies whenever the health of it's residents is threatened. It is staffed 5 days a week with a registered community health nurse and community representatives.