Child and Youth Mental Health and Addictions Counselor
This is an initiative funded by the Ministry of Child and Youth Services. The Child & Youth Mental Health & Addictions Counselor provides early identification and intervention in the areas of counselling, skill development, and support services to vulnerable children and youth. Children and youth who are experiencing familial, emotional, Behavioral, and cultural issues that significantly limit their capacity to function effectively in their family, school, and /or community are eligible for services.
Counselling and Outreach Service’s include, but not limited to:
- Support children and youth to succeed in school or in an educational /employment program.
- Strengthen children and youths’ relationships and connections with their family and community.
- Promote children, youth and their family’s with healthy lifestyle choices.
AYMHAC worker with Chippewas of Nawash on and off reserve residing children ages 7-11 and youth ages 12-18 and thier encourage to attend some sessions if possible.
Aboriginal Youth Mental Health and Addictions Counselors schedule of availablity:
- Monday's: Knia Waa Noojimojig Nanaweing Wellness Centre, (519-534-3764) Neyaashiinigmiing, ON
- Tuesday: St.Mary's High School (519-376-4278) Owen Sound, ON.
- Wednesday: Peninsula Shores District High School (519-534-2205) Wiarton, ON
- Thursday: Kikendaasogamig Elementary School (519-534-0719) Neyaashiinigmiing, ON
- Friday's: Kina Waa Noojimojig Nanaweing Wellness Centre (519-534-3764) Neyaashiinigmiing, ON
Aboriginal Youth Mental Health Addiction Counselor (AYMHAC)
Jennifer Borrows, Ph.D., RMFT, CRPO
Tel. 519-534-3764
Fax. 519-534-3685
Physical Address:
Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation
376 Sydney Bay Road
Neyaashiinigmiing, Ontario
N0H 2T0